HR Jam – design thinking workshop

HR Jam – design thinking workshop

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The HR Jam is a design-thinking process and -oriented workshop, to create innovative solutions for your human resource management in interdisciplinary teams in one day. HR Jams apply the proven tools and methods of “jams” (e.g. “Global Service Jam“) to the needs and goals of human resources management.

The focus of this workshop is on user needs, interdisciplinary collaboration and rapid prototyping iterations. Instead of just talking, HR Jam is focused on the joint action, to achieve a number of concrete results in a very short time. As a positive side effect creative and innovative tools are learned in the “learning by doing” mode.

Click here to find this information in German.

Goals of HR Jam:

  • interdepartmental development of internal training
  • interdisciplinary development of attractive recruiting and employer branding services as well as staff development
  • Exploit the potential of employees and their networks in the recruitment

HR Jam is characterized by:

  • User- centeredness
  • Employees (and their knowledge, experiences and needs) are directly involved in the development
  • Departments participate in the development process. High degree of involvement.
  • Formats will be developed in collaboration with potential employees (students, graduates)

Short development periods

  • through interdisciplinary / interdepartmental cooperation, internal coordination and development periods extremely shortened and made efficient

Iteration (build & test prototypes)HR Jam

  • avoid the direct development of prototypes and their testing errors, improve products and reduce costs
  • presentable workshop results e.g. prototypes

Teamwork, creativity & innovation 

  • interdisciplinary team collaboration is being tested (away from thinking within departmental boundaries)
  • Filter function through voluntary participation (thought leaders and creative minds in the business are identified and can participate)
  • as a side effect, creative methods are learned and teams be strenghtenedÂ
  • Facilitation by a neutral moderator brings new perspectives


  • no solitary development of formats HR managers
  • on existing knowledge and experience in the company can be used, allow to incorporate them in the development of formats
  • greater acceptance and adoption readiness for users / customers – has itself helped develop formats (ownership)
  • it will develop formats and programs on the company and its employees (future employees) have tailored


If you are interested in HR Jams and need further information, please contact our design-thinking team!